Sideboards, Serving Tables and Dressers

Large Scale Country House Console Table with Clifton Family Coat of Arms for Lytham Hall

Great fun and seriously impressive country house scale console table with Cliftone/Clifton family coat of arms in faded gilt (or paint) on the slate surface, the base is very finely carved with prolific rococo foliate and with a very well executed mustachioed grotesque the Green Man to the centre of the frieze. See the...

18th Century George III Period Mahogany Antique Sideboard

Very attractive 18th century sideboard, with cross banding and stringing, standing on six square taper legs. It has an unusually fine breakfront design, great timber, lovely colour and the fantastic scale shows that this must have been made for a grand house indeed. The handles are slightly later Regency replacements which may have been...

Very Fine 18th Century Mahogany Sideboard

Very fine 18th century antique sideboard, this one has some very fine stringing detail, some nice fiddleback mahogany to the front and a very large piece of mahogany on the top. Add some very fine dovetails, excellent patina and this makes for an excellent sideboard for the money indeed.TF065